Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Chinese and Cuban Revolutions essays

The Chinese and Cuban Revolutions essays Do you know what a revolution is? Well according to Webster it is an effort to overthrow a government and set up a new one usually by violent means. Revolutions are never cased by just one thing. There is usually plenty of background agitation set off by an event. A revolution cant simply replace one government for another though. No government is willing to allow its self to be replaced by another just like that. They are going to fight back. Along with a new government comes suffering and hardships making the transfer. Revolutions often seek to reform political, economic, and social conditions, yet they may often lead to the reverse. The Cuban Revolution of 1959 was officially started on July 26,1953 when a group of revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro Ruz attacked Cuban army barracks at Moncada. This was not the sole purpose of the revolution though. There was plenty background agitation leading up to this event, most of which was caused by one man leading the country, Fulgencio Batista. He controlled Cuba on and off from both the background and foreground, as legal leader. Batista actually wanted to reform the Cuban economy which led to his seizure of power in the 1950s. While under the control of Batista Cuba suffered in many areas. Unemployment was one of these areas. Unemployment led to all sorts of hardship. 43% of the rural population was illiterate. 60% lived in huts with earth floors and thatched roofs. 2/3 lived without running water and only 1 out of 14 families had electricity. Daily nutrition was terrible. Only 4% of rural families ate meat regularly. Most subsisted on rice, beans and root crops. Bad diet and housing caused bad health. 13% of the population had a history of typhoid, 14% tuberculosis and over 1/3 intestinal Another area in Which Cuba suffered while under Batistas control was the backwardness in the countryside. The main c...

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